About Us
We are Zimbabwean Business Council UAE (ZIBCO), a Non-Profit, member based, association comprised of businesses and individuals primarily domiciled in the United Arab Emirates. The main mandate of the council is to support, promote and represent the business interests of its members in the UAE through formal representation with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce.
We aim to be a coordinated and well networked business community bringing together, knowledge, expertise and connectivity which promotes synergies and scale opportunities, in turn improving the flow of business within and between members and the two countries. The council will provide a soft landing for Zimbabwean businesses coming to the UAE and also UAE businesses looking to enter the Zimbabwean market.
ZIBCO is licensed by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce.
To provide a platform for Zimbabweans in the UAE to network, conduct business and share valued experiences with the common goal of building relations for the betterment of the members and the two countries.
To have vibrant and active business engagements, representation and value creation for members and partners.

Main Objectives
Promotion of the commercial interests of Zimbabwean businesses and Zimbabweans in the UAE
Promotion of Zimbabwean owned, UAE registered companies and their goods and services in the UAE
Strengthening trade relations between Zimbabwean Companies, Zimbabwean business people, and other companies in the UAE.
Contributing towards increasing trade volumes between Zimbabwe and the UAE
Being the representative voice of the members in the UAE and Zimbabwe
Board Of Directors
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.